Greenspan's method
Update for positions:
- xim+1
= xim
+ h/2 (vim+1
+ vim)
Update for velocities:
- vim+1
= vim
+ h Aim
where we use a different acceleration than before. That is, in other methods
the acceleration aim was the sum
over j≠i of:
- G (xjm
- xim)
/ (rijm)3
where rij=||xj-xi||.
On the other hand, Greenspan's method uses the sum over j≠i of:
- G ((xjm+1
- xim+1) +
- xim)) /
( rijm+1 rijm
(rijm+1 + rijm))
for the acceleration Aim.
This method is energy conserving. The design comes from approximating the
force as a discrete derivative of the potential energy (rather than, as
before, keeping the force exact while effectively approximating the potential
energy). The energy conservation comes at the cost of the method being
The method also conserves both linear and angular momentum. It is time
- Chapter 2 from "N-body problems and
models" by Donald Greenspan, 2004
- page 173 in Section V.5 of the second edition of "Geometric Numerical
Integration: Structure-preserving algorithms for ordinary differential
equations" by Hairer, Lubich, and Wanner, 2006
- Section 2.3 from "Numerical Solutions of the N-body Problem" by Andrzej
Marciniak, 1985
- in Hairer, Norsett, and Wanner's "Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I:
Nonstiff Problems": ???
- not in the Burden and Faires "Numerical Analysis" textbook: Section 5.2
- not in the Silly-pedia?